Not many people can say that getting sick from unpasteurized milk is what propelled their career in food, but Lindy Miller can.
That’s because when Miller was eight years old, she contracted salmonella poisoning from unpasteurized milk. It was that moment that ensuring the production and distribution of food quality and safety became her mission.
So, at 16 years old, she began her climb up the foodservice ladder, eventually joining Bloomin’ Brands (BBI) as senior director, quality assurance, where she would later leverage her manufacturing experience to establish world-class food safety and quality practices across the global organization, which consists of 77,000 team members and more than 1,450 restaurants throughout 47 states, Guam, and 20 countries.
Food Logistics' editor-in-chief Marina Mayer and managing editor Brielle Jaekel sit down with Miller to talk about food safety and quality, what advice she has for her younger self and her journey to becoming Food Logistics' overall Rock Star of the Supply Chain winner.