Brielle Jaekel serves as managing editor, after joining the Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive brands as associate editor in February 2020.
Brielle has a six-year history in B2B publishing, tackling cutting edge stories in business. Sustainability is one of her favorite sectors and is something that drives her in her personal life as well. Her strengths include podcasting, finding cutting edge features and breaking news in addition to fresh angles on each story. You can listen to her every Tuesday on the L.I.N.K. podcast and see her every Wednesday on L.I.N.K. Live! Brielle has a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting from Montclair State University with a minor in film. She lives on the Jersey Shore, and is always attempting to spread the word that the MTV show, Jersey Shore, does not represent or reflect the area’s residents. She lives with her fiancé in a house they remodeled themselves with their two dogs.
When Brielle is not tracking down her latest story, she is often found consumed by any form of news or entertainment including music, podcasts, books, film and even reality television. She is a beginner fitness enthusiast, or at least likes to believe she is. Working on the interior design of her home is also a continuous passion project for her.
Follow her on Twitter @JaekelBrielle or LinkedIn @BrielleJaekel!