2022: The Year of the Great Reshuffling

Since the New Year, my LinkedIn feed has been filled with announcements of new job postings and new job announcements, showing signs of what I call, the Great Reshuffling, with people moving around in order to find the perfect company/job to call home.

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2020 was the year of upended supply chains, where companies moved from protecting their bottom lines to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of their employees; where they fast-tracked sustainability efforts and implemented blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), automation, robotics and more; where they pivoted, optimized and automated.

Then 2021 hit, showing promise for a year of mended supply chains, where companies revamped processes, embraced the challenges thrown their way and better protected the employees responsible for making magic happen along the chain; where they reevaluated and questioned why we do things the way they’re being done.

But, supply chain issues still persisted.

And, now, here we are, 19 days into the New Year, and from where I sit, things still don’t look too mended.

Supply chain disruptions continue to rattle the industry, leaving behind a path of idle trucks, ships stuck at sea and unfulfilled orders across the board.

Then the Great Resignation happened, where 4.4 million in the United States quit their jobs in September… just one month alone.

Then last week, the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truckers crossing into Canada from the United States went into effect, already crippling a segment of the supply chain that continues to experience a labor shortage.

According to the American Trucking Associations, the supply chain industry is short 80,000 drivers to meet current freight demand.

But, there is hope. Since the New Year, my LinkedIn feed has been filled with announcements of new job postings and new job announcements, showing signs of what I call, the Great Reshuffling.

Even my own company, AC Business Media, which owns the Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive brands, is growing and in need of some quality people.

Regardless of how vaccine mandates play out or how supply chain disruptions become an opportunity for improvement, 2022 will continue to see people moving around in order to find the perfect company/job to call home. Hopefully the supply chain industry becomes that forever home.
