For the third consecutive year, two of Food Logistics’ articles have been selected as finalists in the 2022 Logistics Brief MVP Awards in the Supply Chain and Other categories.
Both articles, written by editor-in-chief Marina Mayer, appeared in print and online.
Building the Supply Chain of Tomorrow details how automation and emerging technology future-proof supply chains.
The Great Reshuffling Puts Frontline Jobs First outlines why the supply chain is now considered to be the pandemic's must-have college degree.
For one or both of these articles to win, you must vote.
To vote, go to https://www.logisticsbrief.com/pages/2022-LB-MVP-AWARDS/, click on Supply Chain --> select Building the Supply Chain of Tomorrow, Food Logistics.
Then go to Other --> select The Great Reshuffling Puts Frontline Jobs First, Food Logistics.
You can place up to three votes per day, so get voting! Voting ends Nov. 28.
CLICK HERE to place your vote.