The disruptions in the supply chain sure did continue into 2021, maybe even increased, but the good news is that the L.I.N.K. podcast did too. At Supply and Demand Chain Executive, we are so thankful for you joining us, listening to us and engaging with all the content we carefully create for you. We hope to continue to be your source for all things supply chain heading into the New Year.
Here are the top five podcast of the past year. Enjoy.
Machine Learning Makes the Important Decisions
Managing editor Brielle Jaekel discusses machine learning with Felix Wick, group vice president of data science at Blue Yonder about ways we can include machine learning into our supply chain in ways we haven’t thought of and what happened to the technology during the pandemic.
Jack Daniel's Gives Inside Look at Logistics Operations
Jack Daniel’s only distills its whiskey at its one distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee. So how is it able to send its product in mass quantities around the world? Larry Combs, general manager of the Jack Daniel’s Distillery, brings listeners into the process, as managing editor Brielle Jaekel sits down with him for an interview.Accenture Reveals the Resiliency Potential of Digital Twins
Managing editor Brielle Jaekel discusses the concept of digital twins with Accenture managing director of supply chain and operations strategy Mark George, who shows that digital twins are more common than you think. He also explains how the technology can be used for disruption planning as well as inventory optimization.
Driverless Trucks are Highway Bound
Autonomous trucking company Embark is developing level four driverless technology, allowing trucks to take over on the highway. But in the near future, this technology can be used to fill in gaps and improve efficiency, says Embark head of business development Sam Abidi.
ISN Data Shows Logistics Sees Most Workplace Injuries
Dag Yemenu, EVP at ISN, discusses the company’s recent report on workplace injuries in warehousing and logistics, as the world turns to focus on safety in the workplace.