It's officially the New Year -- time to usher in change, goals, perspective and a "work smarter, not harder" attitude.
At least that's the motto for Food Logistics, who is evolving with the times to bring readers and advertisers great content in a fun, engaging, informative and more user-friendly way.
From left to right:
Brian Hines, sales associate; Brielle Jaekel, managing editor; Marina Mayer, editor-in-chief; Hannah Gooch, associate editor; Jason DeSarle, group publisher; and Mike Coon, account executive.
For starters, welcome to our newly redesigned e-newsletter, complete with images, polls and quality articles and columns.
While those in the supply chain are starting to venture out more, attending shows, conferences and clients’ offices, get your news on the road by subscribing to our L.I.N.K. podcast channel. It covers everything from micro-fulfillment, air freight and food/pharma safety to workplace safety, machine learning and more.
While there, subscribe to L.I.N.K. Educate, our professional development podcast that includes interviews with supply chain students, young professionals, veterans and professors who detail training, recruitment, retention and the evolution of supply chain education.
Catch up on SCN Summit: Future of Supply Chains in on-demand to learn more about everything from procurement and warehousing to smart manufacturing, risk management and supply chain visibility. Go to https://www.scnsummit.com/ to learn more.
And, our awards, holy cow, our awards! Keep your eyes peeled for our Jan/Feb 2022 print issue, where we will reveal the recipients (and overall winner) of our 2022 Rock Stars of the Supply Chain award.
While cruising through our site, check out our premium content, which covers last-mile, warehouse automation, supply chain visibility and more.
And, check out SupplyChainLearningCenter.com, your hub for supply chain continuing education.
Here at Food Logistics, we are only going forward. We too are ushering in change, progress, innovation and more. And, we want you to be a part of our journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more about anything and everything we’re doing, so you too can be a part of our fun, engaging, information and productive ride!
Follow along at Food Logistics' Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And, check out all of our 2021 coverage HERE.