HelloFresh to Offset 100% of Its Carbon Emissions

HelloFresh partnered with terrapass to balance its carbon emissions, starting with the 2020 calendar year.

Hello Fresh Meal Kit

HelloFresh announced plans to offset 100% of the carbon dioxide emissions (CO₂) generated from its operations, outbound shipping and corporate travel. Through carbon balancing initiatives and investments that will reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, HelloFresh is taking an industry-leading step toward reducing its environmental impact across all U.S. brands, including Green Chef and EveryPlate.

HelloFresh partnered with terrapass to balance its carbon emissions, starting with the 2020 calendar year. In addition, HelloFresh’s direct-to-consumer business model leverages a streamlined supply chain and more efficient distribution, making its carbon footprint 25% less than meals made from store-bought groceries, even before offsetting.

“Now more than ever before, people are relying on HelloFresh for fresh food deliveries. We want to take measurable steps to minimize our environmental impact and make meal kits an even more sustainable option for our customers,” says Jeff Yorzyk, director of sustainability, HelloFresh. “Our mission to change the way people eat disrupts a broken food system with needless greenhouse gas emissions by cutting out the middleman and drastically reducing food waste. We’re proud to partner with terrapass to offset 100% of our carbon emissions to tip the balance even further.”

The initiative is expected to offset at least 50,000 metric tons of carbon and 24,000 megawatt hours of electricity. HelloFresh will also offer ways for meal kit customers to connect with carbon offsetting projects through terrapass.

HelloFresh has set an example for others to follow by taking action to address their entire carbon footprint,” says Sam Telleen, director of renewable solutions, terrapass. “They have already achieved impressive carbon reductions in supply chain and operations. Terrapass is excited to help HelloFresh balance their remaining footprint by supporting critical projects that remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere.”
