Feds to Test Online Grocery Delivery to Food Stamp Recipients

The USDA spokesperson said "getting the proper technology in place to ensure process integrity" has been a major factor, as few companies have developed the correct encrypted PIN capabilities.

Fox News
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture is moving to test the possibility of allowing food stamp users to get their groceries online, though the program could raise fraud concerns, according to Fox News. 

The Washington Post reported over the weekend that online delivery services like Peapod, FreshDirect, and Thrive Market are supporting the push. If the USDA determines the pilot program is successful, it will be implemented nationwide. 

A USDA spokesperson told FoxNews.com they will be seeking volunteers for the pilot program in the fall.

The spokesperson said "getting the proper technology in place to ensure process integrity" has been a major factor, as few companies have developed the correct encrypted PIN capabilities.

The tests are being conducted under the 2014 Farm Bill. 

To read more, click here.

Editor's Insight: This is still in the proposal stage, but online delivery to food stamp recipients is feasible, given the emergence of online food delivery services. The number of people on food stamps has mushroomed and it is expected to increase, thanks to the successful deployment of a food stamp credit card that resembles any other payment card. The old stigma associated with “being on food stamps” has declined.

Food delivery services are one of the fastest growing industries. The industry will certainly do everything possible to bring this program to fruition.

Online grocery delivery to food stamp recipients could have a major impact on the food supply chain. 7-19-16 By Elliot Maras
