Deadline Looms for Trucking Companies to Comply with FDA Sanitary Transportation Rule

The FDA has yet to post its one-hour web-based course as some trucking companies face the deadline to have drivers trained.


Trucking companies have until April 6, 2017, to comply with the training provision of the FDA’s Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food rule, but with less than two weeks before the compliance date, the federal agency has yet to post its digital training course.

As part of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA, carriers responsible for sanitary conditions during food transportation must train drivers to deal with potential food safety problems, as well as teach them basic sanitary practices and the responsibilities for motor carriers dictated by the rule.

“The objective is to prevent food from becoming unsafe by ensuring that it is properly refrigerated, vehicles and trailers are properly cleaned and sanitized, pallets are sanitary, and food is properly protected and stored at correct temperatures during transport,” said Jon Samson, executive director of the American Trucking Associations’ Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference.

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