Category Partners has promoted Cara Ammon to senior vice president of research and market intel. Ammon originally joined Category Partners in 2017 as director of research.
“When Cara joined our team two and a half years ago, she brought with her a wealth of experience, credibility and smarts. Since then, Cara has been much more than an excellent consumer and market researcher. Cara has demonstrated leadership, team work and strategic thinking that continue to increase value to our team and especially our clients,” says Category Partners’ CEO, Tom Barnes. Barnes went on to say that “Cara’s value has far surpassed expectations and she deserves recognition for it.”
Since joining Category Partners, Ammon has been instrumental in applying research, resources and solutions to challenges facing the perishables industries. Ammon has been directly responsible for developing and leveraging a broad array of products and services, CP’s Consumer Perspectives email series as well as identifying new data sources and research methods enabling clients to stay cutting edge in an ever-evolving retail channel.
“The retail environment continues to undergo constant change. In some instances consumers drive that change and in some cases consumers respond to that change. But regardless of the source of change, the consumer remains at the center. My goal is to help producers and retailers better understand and effectively compete in that changing world. Understanding consumer motivations, preferences and expectations is essential to being successful today. If you can help your customers understand their customers, well, that is a winning formula,” Ammon says.