Dusan Kostic/stock.adobe.com
The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance releases a new program, named of U.S. Identity Preserved. The new food traceability program signifies premium crop with verifiable origins, allowing customers to receive detailed information about each product like variety, protein and sugar levels, color, bean size or flavor. U.S. Identity Preserved exhibits the food industry's move towards traceability and visibility, as consumers push to know more about what they eat and where it comes from.
Per PR Newswire:
- When manufacturers purchase a U.S. Identity Preserved product, they can be assured the grains are traceable from their fields of origin throughout the process of production, processing, packaging and distribution, which provides the knowledge and assurance customers need.
- Customers can order specifically what they need for the future so IP producers can grow it today. This ensures quality, consistency and safety of food; fork-to-farm traceability, and a dependable supply so it is worthwhile for growers and customers alike.
- Growers participating in the program must follow rigorous specifications throughout the production process (pre-planting through harvest), storage, processing and distribution. This includes taking great care to avoid any cross-contamination, adhering to field verifications and program audits, chain of custody verification, proper labeling and product identification and other checks and assurances.