Rock Stars Make the Supply Chain Village a Better Place

It’s so important to recognize, honor and celebrate the achievements of the industry's supply chain heroes because they’re the ones that despite the disruptions and attacks, persevere.

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Once upon a time, in a land very nearby, there was a supply chain crisis. Shipments were delayed. Trucks sat idle. Grocery store shelves lay bare.

But, it didn’t matter. The kings and queens of the supply chain still pushed through. They continued to develop technologies designed to improve the supply chain. These technologies provided visibility, traceability and improved productivity. They moved product through the chain with ease.

And, it’s not just technologies. The masterminds behind the supply chain scenes are mentoring young professionals, recreating roles to better suit the modern supply chain worker and reskilling veteran employees. They’re working to make the village a better place.

They’re re-creating the tale and taking the supply chain industry on a journey that tells a better story – one with a happy ending, where the driver shortage turns into a worker surplus; where attacks and disruptions are a thing of the past; where food is safe, clean and plenty.

Sure, these visions of a happy supply chain ending may seem like a fairy tale to some, but to many, they are real.

That’s why it’s so important to recognize, honor and celebrate the achievements of these supply chain heroes. They’re the ones that despite the disruptions and attacks, they persevere.

Be sure to nominate these supply chain rock stars in Food Logistics’ Rock Stars of the Supply Chain award.  

Not sure if you are eligible? Just ask. Have any other award-related questions? Just ask.

The past 18 months have been a tumultuous time for U.S. supply chains. It’s time to recognize the influential individuals whose achievements, hard work and vision have shaped the global cold food supply chain in these hard times.
