Ranking the World’s Food Security

Ranking the World’s Food Security

Globe 10923385

Affordability. Availability. Quality and Safety. These are the three core issues that determine a country’s “food security” in a new index released last year by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and sponsored by DuPont.

The U.S., Denmark, France and the Netherlands rank as the most food-secure countries in the world. According to the EIU, “A combination of ample food supplies, high incomes, low spending on food relative to other outlays, and significant investment in agricultural research and development (R&D) put these countries at the top of the 105-nation index.”

Visit the Global Food Security Web site at www. foodsecurityindex.eiu.com.

1    U.S. (89.6)

2    Norway (88.6)

3    Denmark (87.9)

4    France (86.7)

5    Netherlands (86.6)

6    Austria (85.6)

7    Switzerland (84.0)

8    Canada (83.4)

9    Germany (83.1)

10  Finland (83.0)

11  New Zealand (82.7)

12  Belgium (82.1)

13  Japan (81.3)

14  Australia (81.1)

15  Spain (80.6)

16  Portugal (80.4)

17  Sweden (80.3)

18  Italy (78.6)

19  Greece (tie 78.5)

19  UK (tie 78.5)

21  South Korea (77.7)

22  Israel (77.6)

23  Czech Republic (73.4)

24  Poland (72.5)

25  Hungary (69.5)

26  Chile (tie 69.1)

26  Slovakia (tie 69.1)

28  Saudi Arabia (68.8)

29  Mexico (tie 67.5)

29  Russia (tie 67.5)

31  Brazil (66.5)

32  Malaysia (64.2)

33  Uruguay (63.3)

34  Costa Rica (63.2)

35  Argentina (63.1)

36  Turkey (63.0)

37  China (62.8)

38  Serbia (62.5)

39  Romania (61.6)

40  South Africa (61.1)

41  Venezuela (61.0)

42  Panama (60.4)

43  Thailand (58.1)

44  Belarus (57.9)

45  Ukraine (57.7)

46  Bulgaria (57.3)

47  Botswana (56.0)

48  Peru (54.0)

49  Tunisia (52.6)

50  Colombia (52.0)

51  Paraguay (51.6)

52  Egypt (50.9)

53  Kazakhstan (50.7)

54  El Salvador (tie 50.3)

54  Jordan (tie 50.3)

56  Vietnam (50.1)

57  Ecuador (tie 49.4)

57  Honduras (tie 49.4)

57  Morocco (tie 49.4)

60  Dominican Republic (47.4)

61  Guatemala (47.3)

62  Sri Lanka (47.2)

63  Philippines (47.1)

64  Indonesia (46.5)

65  Bolivia (45.1)

66  India (44.8)

67  Azerbaijan (43.6)

68  Ghana (42.8)

69  Nicaragua (42.0)

70  Uganda (41.5)

71  Syria (41.3)

72  Uzbekistan (40.6)

73  Algeria (40.4)

74  Cameroon (38.5)

75  Cote d'Ivoire (38.4)

76  Pakistan (38.1)

77  Kenya (37.2)

78  Myanmar (36.9)

79  Nepal (34.9)

80  Nigeria (34.6)

81  Bangladesh (34.5)

82  Benin (34.0)

83  Yemen (33.4)

84  Tajikistan (32.0)

85  Mali (31.2)

86  Guinea (31.0)

87  Cambodia (30.3)

88  Burkina Faso (30.2)

89  Angola (30.1)

90  Rwanda (29.6)

91  Niger (29.4)

92  Sierra Leone (29.3)

93  Mozambique (29.1)

94  Senegal (28.8)

95  Zambia (28.3)

96  Sudan (27.9)

97  Togo (27.6)

98  Malawi (27.1)

99  Tanzania (26.6)

100            Ethiopia (26.3)

101            Madagascar (26.0)

102            Haiti (24.2)

103            Burundi (22.9)

104            Chad (20.3)

105            Congo (Dem. Rep.) (18.2)


