PSA BDP launched Risk Monitor, a new digital product designed to provide shippers and consignees with proactive risk monitoring and insight to prepare for and manage challenges and potential disruptions in international trade.
“In today’s market, proactive visibility and planning to potential disruptions are paramount to an integrated and connected supply chain,” says Neil Wheeldon, chief digital and product strategy officer. “Risk Monitor allows customers to gain a holistic view of their supply chain to calculate risk and review detailed, real-time data to minimize impact whilst identifying inefficiencies before they become costly. PSA BDP recognizes the criticality of these technological investments for demand-driven planning to benefit our customers and looks forward to delivering enhanced decision-making and planning capabilities through Risk Monitor.”
- Risk Monitor is an add-on feature to Smart Navigator, a digital platform that provides real-time supply chain visibility to customers through sophisticated data analysis.
- Using proprietary technology developed by PSA BDP, Risk Monitor empowers customers to establish, evaluate and view a spectrum of 50-plus common supply chain disruptions, both naturally occurring (inclement weather, pandemics, earthquakes), as well as man-made risks (strikes, geo-political tensions), before they occur.
- Risk Monitor provides immediate real-time visibility for customers to access data relevant to any supply chain threats that are verifiably substantiated or predicted by PSA BDP.
- Risk Monitor’s advanced algorithms deliver proactive, real-time tracking into the location and shipping status of goods and cargo en route from its origin to final destination. These actionable insights allow shippers to make informed decisions and take meaningful steps to protect their supply chain operations whenever possible.