Two Dead in Mexican Papaya Salmonella Outbreak

The CDC and FDA are tracking eight different varieties of Salmonella, all found in maradol papayas from Mexico and matched by laboratory testing to samples from the victims.

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The popularity of fresh papaya in some ethnic cuisine is resulting in a disproportionate number of Hispanics being infected in four ongoing Salmonella outbreaks.

With 235 laboratory confirmed infections as of this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports the number of Hispanic victims in the individual outbreaks ranges from 50 percent to 91 percent. Two people have died, but their ethnicity has not been made public.

The CDC and Food and Drug Administration are tracking eight different varieties of Salmonella, all found in maradol papayas from Mexico and matched by laboratory testing to samples from the victims. As of Thursday the CDC split the victims into four outbreaks, based on four farms in Mexico that produced contaminated fruit.

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