Westfalia Technologies Inc. has launched a new online, interactive benefits calculator to answer common questions related to the benefits of automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) earlier in the planning process. Storing and retrieving products efficiently and effectively are critical to the successful design and implementation of an AS/RS, but many are skeptical about the benefits of warehouse automation.
Westfalia’s benefits calculator provides users a preliminary look at what a high-density automated warehouse design would look like based on their own calculations. This free online calculator offers a quick snapshot of what could fit into one’s current warehouse space or projected new facility. Westfalia’s Benefits Calculator can define the key benefits of an AS/RS, including:
- Reducing product damage
- Promoting labor savings
- Increasing product accuracy
- Maximizing space utilization
“We wanted to give our customers a simple planning resource, providing them with an interactive tool to illustrate the key benefits,” said Staci Cretu, M.S., marketing and communications manager at Westfalia. “Our intuitive Benefits Calculator is easily accessible, provides valuable planning information and is free to use.”
The calculator will show what one would get if they were to install an AS/RS, including:
- Total storage capacity, including square feet, cubic feet, pallet storage and square feet per pallet position
- Overall warehouse description, including number of aisles, cranes, bays, levels, lane facings, pallets per level, crane style and total pallets across the system with a corresponding image and total labor savings and inventory accuracy
Based on the user’s specific information, the benefits calculator illustrates that an AS/RS maximizes storage space while at the same time reduces operating costs, the company notes. Westfalia designs and installs automated storage solutions for manufacturers and distributors in both conventional existing facilities and new-build facilities for a variety of temperature ranges from –35°F to 110°F for both non-rack and rack-supported structures.
To access the calculator, visit http://www.westfaliausa.com/resources/benefits-calculator/.