LogisticsIQCompany DetailsContacthttps://www.thelogisticsiq.comArticles & NewsAutomationWarehouse Automation Market to Reach $41B in Next 5 YearsMega-trends like aging population, globalization, health and safety, mobility, green logistics, autonomous world, urbanization, individualization and digitization need to be given more consideration and weight than in the past.Micro-FulfillmentMicro-Fulfillment Market to Reach $36B by 2030Annual MFC installations will grow more than 20 times by 2030, from current installed base of about 50 in 2020 to around 6,600 in 2030. And, more than 80% of these MFCs will be deployed in North America in 2022.AutomationStudy: AGV, AMR Market Worth $13.2B by 2026Growth in e-commerce is the main driver for AGV/AMR demand in warehouse automation.Products & Press ReleasesMicro-FulfillmentStudy: Market for Micro-Fulfillment Centers to Reach $10B by 2026It is expected that there will be one micro-fulfillment center for every 10th of U.S. total 40,000 grocery stores by 2030.HomeWarehouse Automation Market: Post Covid-19 Opportunities Worth $30B by 2026The push to automate the warehouses was in full force before the Covid-19 but global pandemic forced the companies to change their strategy w.r.t warehouse automation from “good to have” category to “must to have” if they have to sustain in this industry.WarehousingStudy Unveils the Future of Digital Supply ChainsMajor drivers of growth entail Big Data, demand for greater visibility and transparency and the adoption of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about LogisticsIQ