GPS-Focused Temperature Monitoring in Cold Rooms, Reefer Trailers

Wireless Links introduced a LoRa ATL-1 temperature monitor and asset tracking device for cold rooms and refrigerated trailers.

Wireless Links Lo Ra Atl 1
Wireless Links

Wireless Links introduced a LoRa ATL-1 temperature monitor and asset tracking device for cold rooms and refrigerated trailers. Equipped with a long rechargeable battery life or solar-powered features, it’s designed to track assets in large yards, depots, airport or chassis and containers at seaports.

Key takeaways:

  • Packaged in a rugged IP67 enclosure, it has an integrated GPS and a digital temperature sensor with 0.5°C accuracy for a communication range of around half-mile radius.
  • When out of coverage from a LoRa Gateway, the ATL-1 will store the GPS messages and send them out once back in LoRa coverage.
  • The LoRa ATL-1 devices send alerts/notifications of data/temperatures via the LoRa network to the GPS-based location.  
  • Additional alerts involve crossing the gate into/out of the yard; crossing pre-set boundaries inside the yard; sending movement-based alarms; and more. 