Trucking and two other freight transportation modes carried less U.S. freight by value with North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners Canada and Mexico in October 2016 compared to the same time a year earlier, according to a new Transportation Department report.
This happened as total cross-border freight moved by all modes fell by 3.6 percent to $93.2 billion, marking the 21st monthly drop out of the past 22 months beginning in January 2015. The only increase since was a hike of 0.7 percent this past August.
The value of commodities moved by truck decreased 6.1 percent, vessel by 7 percent and air by 12.7 percent. The value of freight carried on pipeline and rail increased 21.8 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively
Trucks carried 65.3 percent of U.S.-NAFTA freight and continued to be the most heavily used mode for moving goods to and from both U.S.-NAFTA partners. Trucks accounted for $31.9 billion of the $50.3 billion of imports, or 63.4 percent, and $29 billion of the $42.9 billion of exports, or 67.6 percent. Rail remained the second largest mode by value, moving 15.8 percent of all U.S.-NAFTA freight.
Additional information about U.S. freight value, can be found here.