FMCG Gurus research shows that attitudes toward packaging is changing for the better as consumers seek reassurance to food safety and protective packaging. This is highlighted, as 49% of global consumers state that their attitudes to packaging have changed as a result of COVID-19, with 67% of these saying it has changed for the better. These positive attitudes have a direct correlation to consumers who believe that packaging keeps food safety.
Food safety is a key area of interest for consumers at the moment, as they look for ways to keep safe and reduce the likeliness of being contaminated or catching disease. FMCG Gurus consumer insights show that 74% of global consumers are concerned that there will be a second wave of the virus, heightening their desire to keep safe. Consumers are now focusing more on how they can avoid the virus by turning to online shopping, re-evaluating attitudes towards packaging and demonstrating increased concerns about the handling of products along supply chains.
Consumers are increasingly concerned about staff and other members of the public touching and handling food and drink products. This has led to consumers wanting innovative packaging solutions, such as packaging products that were previously unwrapped or having packaging designs with antibacterial properties or that eliminate the need for consumers to touch certain parts of the product. This is also impacting the supply chain of food and beverages as consumers are paying greater attention to the origin of products.
FMCG Gurus research shows that 45% of global consumers have paid greater attention to the country of origin of products as a result of COVID-19. In times of uncertainty consumers tend to demonstrate favorable perceptions of products from their home country because of associations with traits such as safety, whilst also expressing concern about products from foreign countries. In addition to these consumers also want greater reassurance around safe handling of products along the supply chain. This is driving demand for locally produced products with shortened supply chains, again when it comes to such products, transparency and validation around claims will be crucial.