SWARM Engineering launched the SWARM Challenge Modeler, designed to enable companies to clearly define a business challenge in the agri-food supply chain.
"We are incredibly excited to launch the SWARM Challenge Modeler as we believe it fills a massive gap in the market. For the first time, business users can clearly define the problem they wish to solve and understand the potential ROI before they invest significant time and money chasing a solution that may not fit,” says Anthony Howcroft, SWARM CEO said. "We feel so strongly about how this can improve key processes for everyone's benefit that we decided to make the personal edition of the tool free to use for individuals, and they can even invite colleagues to help them define their challenge."
From PR Newswire:
- While the initial launch will showcase templates that are matched to solutions specifically offered by the SWARM platform, SWARM will soon launch a service that allows other vendors to offer their solutions through the same mechanism.
- A library of easy-to-use templates, created by industry experts, helps business users rapidly define and understand their challenge, which can then be matched directly to an algorithmic solution in the existing SWARM solution engine.
- Use cases include traditional staples such as inbound and outbound logistics, supply and demand planning and network optimization (opening or consolidating facilities), along with some more unusual problems such as managing mycotoxins in animal feed, optimizing ingredient choice to make products more sustainable, livestock grading and agriculture fleet management.