Truck Accidents Contribute to Substantial Payments to Plaintiffs

ATRI determined that a different plaintiff litigation model is impacting the industry -- small cases.


Driver safety, both on and off the road, continues to be of utmost importance to the supply chain.

Yet, accidents happen. And, sometimes can be fatal.

In fact, incidents involving a severe injury were 217% more likely to settle and 199% more likely to result in payments to plaintiffs over $600,000, according to new research from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI).

From American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI):

  • Settlement payments are approximately 37.7% larger than verdict awards, and 393% more likely to occur in incidents involving a fatality.
  • During its research on nuclear verdicts, ATRI determined that a different plaintiff litigation model is impacting the industry -- small cases. The research used a new ATRI dataset of more than 600 cases resulting in either a settlement or verdict award of less than $1 million.




