QuikSkope, a fraud protection tool securing the chain of custody for brokers, carriers, and shippers, emerged from stealth mode.
“With over 75 years of experience between our team in the logistics industry, we’ve all experienced first-hand the devastating financial results of freight fraud and the snowball effect it can have on relationships between carriers and brokers,” says Michael Fullam, QuikSkope founder. “Our goal with QuikSkope was to make it as simple as possible for drivers to navigate the verification process and for brokers and shippers to respond. Clicking a text message link and uploading a quick photo encourages compliance by eliminating the need to download and employ yet another application and ultimately secures the full chain of custody.”
Key takeaways:
- QuikSkope is uniquely designed to provide real-time, load-level verification and security protocols to combat fraud and criminal activity at the ground level. Using geofencing and photo verification, QuikSkope allows shippers and brokers to confirm that a driver associated with the carrier hired is physically on-site at the pickup location before a pickup number is released.
- If fraud is detected or verification fails, QuikSkope will not release the pickup number and customers will be notified via email. The customer then can see the photo provided and intervene by manually approving the pickup number release or calling the carrier and notifying them they need to be replaced for failure to verify their identity. Bad actors will be reported and documented in real-time with QuikSkope making their findings available to those pursuing criminals and con artists.