Featured in Food Logistics: Watch Your Back!

Warehouse employees are far more likely to sustain back, muscle, repetitive motion or other ergonomic injuries than they are to experience other kinds of work-related injuries

Food Logistics
Warehouse employees are far more likely to sustain back, muscle, repetitive motion or other ergonomic injuries than they are to experience other kinds of work-related injuries
Warehouse employees are far more likely to sustain back, muscle, repetitive motion or other ergonomic injuries than they are to experience other kinds of work-related injuries

Mention the term “DC accident” and the first thing that comes to mind will probably be a forklift or truck.

However, add the word “common,” and it’s a different story.

“Statistically speaking many warehouse employees are far more likely to sustain back, muscle, repetitive motion or other ergonomic injuries than they are to experience other kinds of work-related injuries,” says Andy Brousseau, senior manager of global safety, security and environment at APL Logistics.

Food Logistics recently sat down with Brousseau, whose company has had a concerted ergonomic safety program in place since 2005, to discuss why businesses need to do a better job of familiarizing their employees with this potentially uncomfortable subject. 

To read the entire article, click here.
