Food labelling and advertising requirements for foods sold in Australia and New Zealand

August 25, 2016
August 25, 2016

Food businesses must only sell food that is safe and correctly labelled. The Australian and New Zealand joint food regulation system requires food businesses to label and advertise foods according to mandatory requirements that may differ from the EU and US systems. Foods imported to Australia are overrepresented in the food recall statistics. Of the 663 food recalls co-ordinated by the national regulator, FSANZ between 2002 and 2011, over a third were due to labelling non-compliances, including undeclared allergens. The damage to a brand and the time expended to recall all non-compliant foods from distribution due to a label omission or inaccuracy, or worse, can be significant.

The cost of non-compliance with labelling requirements therefore is more than that of compliance. If you are looking for answer of these questions, you would certainly benefit by attending this workshop:

  • Are your foods in compliance with the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code mandatory labelling requirements?
  • Are your voluntary claims permitted and not misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive? Are your foods falsely described and potentially at risk of government intervention?

Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this course participants should:

  • Understand the mandatory Australian and New Zealand food labelling requirements and where to locate this information for application to your foods
  • Understand different categories of food have additional requirements providing marketing opportunities for some foods
  • Identify and utilize government developed guidance materials to help navigate the new system for making nutrition and health claims on food (All food labels must be compliant with new Standard 1.2.7 nutrition and health claims, from 18 January 2016)

Who Will Benefit:

This course is designed for people exporting foods to Australia and/or New Zealand for sale. This includes individuals that have Quality Management Systems responsibilities for making general improvements in their organization's performance specifically related to identification, traceability and other labelling and marketing controls in food production. Following personnel will benefit from the course:

  • Senior quality managers
  • Quality professionals
  • Regulatory professionals
  • Compliance professionals
  • Production supervisors


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