After a successful pilot round, ADUSA reveals the supply chain will roll out more than more than 250 suits in affiliated distribution centers, created by Verve Motion. The launch rolls out after wearers provided positive feedback.
Per Globenewswire:
- Verve’s system is the first lightweight, powered soft exosuit designed for the industrial worker. The device reduces strain on a selector’s back by 30 to 40 percent during a typical workday. This means that each 22-pound item feels like 14 pounds, a reduction that really adds up over a shift, a week or a year. During the pilot, feedback from wearers has been positive with a vast majority reporting reduced fatigue, soreness and better posture.
- The technology doesn’t require any complex integration, takes less than 30 seconds to put on and automatically adapts to the user and task. It also has ample battery life so it can be worn for an entire shift, including overtime.