HeroWearCompany DetailsContacthttps://herowearexo.com/Articles & NewsRoboticsEnhancing Worker Safety with Wearable TechnologyExosuits offer an ergonomic solution to provide optimal comfort, efficiency, and safety for workers, unlocking heightened overall performance, superior outcomes, and a more satisfied workforce.Expert ColumnsThe Impact of Exosuits on SafetyIt is becoming clear that exos—when well-implemented—have the potential to significantly enhance the supply chain.RoboticsExosuit to Help Reduce Risk of Back InjuriesThe science-backed Apex 2 is designed to provide assistance for men and women who frequently perform demanding movements such as lifting and sustained or repeated bending.RoboticsImprove Company Culture by Protecting People with Workforce WearablesYour organization depends on the health and happiness of the workforce. When your workers are hurting, your company also feels the pain. Ultimately, if you have your team’s back, they are more likely to have yours.Worker SafetyWorkforce Wearables Provide Logistics Workers Physical SupportHere's how workforce wearables help facilities prepare for online demand surges and reduce the risk put on warehouse and distribution workers.Worker SafetyWorkforce Wearables Require Comfort and MobilityTo enjoy the assistance of workforce wearables, workers must be willing to wear them.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about HeroWear