"Spill containment is vital to protecting the environment and mitigating hazardous spills is a federal requirement as well," says Ed Stairman, president of A Plus Warehouse. "Even if spilling oil in your factory were allowed, would you want hazardous, slippery liquids close to your powered equipment? Spill containment is the logical way to keep your workplace safe."
A Plus Warehouse's new spill containment supplies include spill pillows, spill socks, sorbents, spill control pallets, spill control funnels, and all-in-one spill control kits. Their complete spill response kits are equipped with all the absorption supplies needed to absorb emergency oil, acid, base, solvent, and/or toxin spills, including: socks, pillows, Super Sorbent, and disposal bags. Most of their general purpose socks and pillows are reusable, biodegradable, and cannot be incinerated. In addition to spill pillows and spill socks, A Plus Warehouse also carries catch basins, aggressive pads and rolls, and oil-only pads and rolls.
"Spill containment goes beyond cleaning up spills, it also involves preventing spills with careful storage of containers containing oil and other liquids," says Stairman. "Our spill control pallets help with storing of drums and containers to help your facility's floors stay cleaner and drier."
A Plus Warehouse's spill control pallets include portable containment pallets, multi-purpose drum stackers, containment caddies, hazmat accumulation centers, two- and four-drum hardcover's with spill pallets, and portable secondary containment vessels.
In addition to their wide selection of spill containment equipment and supplies, A Plus Warehouse carries a large variety of complementing materials handling equipment, including drums and drum equipment (drum grabbers, heaters, lifters, pumps, etc.), lift trucks, ladders, matting, hand trucks, waste handling equipment, safety equipment and more.