March 16, 2020. That was the last day my two kids attended school in person. It was the day after I returned from MODEX 2020, and the day I was told to rush to the grocery store to stock up on food as though the world was ending. And, if you’ve seen my 5-year-old son interrupt our L.I.N.K. Live program, it will be the end of the world if we don’t have a stocked fridge.
Fast forward to Jan. 28, 2021. That was the day my two kids returned to a hybrid in-person model.
It took three attempts to get my kids back into the elementary school. Not just because of rising COVID-19 numbers, but also because of the logistics behind making the return to school fun, safe and productive.
How do you keep elementary school kids socially distanced? Do you open the cafeteria for lunch or not? What happens when a child, teacher or other administrative staff member tests positive for the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? And, then the elephant in the room – is there even enough staff to willing and able to return to the school in person to make it work?
Whatever and however it pans out, it takes a lot of logistics to make returning to any in-person environment feasible.
From managing the bus routes (a school’s fleet) to facilitating free lunches, logistics makes it possible for my kids to return to class—in person.
Logistics is why my kids can grab an apple or a juice box on their way out of school.
Logistics is why my kids still received free lunches even when not in school.
Buses continued to run their routes to drop off and pick up homework, paperwork, artwork, and yes, pre-packaged lunch bags filled with milk cartons, fruit, bagged carrots, snacks and more. And, while the bagged lunches were a highlight (they were different every day), this program kept the cafeteria staff and bus drivers employed.
Then, whatever food items our kids didn’t like or couldn’t eat, we donated to the local food pantry every two weeks.
Logistics makes the world go ‘round. It’s literally everywhere and touches everything you touch, eat, open and more.
And, logistics is how our nation can—and will—return to some form of normalcy, whatever and however it looks, in person or remote.