Almost a quarter of a million tons of food is discarded in Swedish industry and retail every year. That is 23,000 trucks lined in a row or 430 kilometers long.
Chalmers University of Technology researcher Kristina Liljestrand wants to do something about by giving companies in the food supply chain specific tools to reduce both food waste and the environmental impact of food transport.
"The amount of food that is thrown away nowadays is incredible. Most food waste comes from consumers, but the amount lost in the logistics systems comes in a close second. By tweaking the logistics systems, we can ensure that the food maintains good quality and lasts as long as possible when it reaches the store," she says
In recent years, she has figured out how companies in the food supply chain can work to reduce their environment impact in terms of both food waste and emissions from transports. Through an extensive study among Swedish producers, wholesalers and retailers, she has identified nine improvement actions.
To read more about Liljestrand’s steps to reduce food waste with logistics, read the original article here.