New data released from the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and Port Newark Container Terminal (PNCT) shows propane-powered terminal tractors are significantly cleaner than their diesel counterparts in several key emissions reduction areas.
“This near-zero emissions technology terminal tractor is available now for an affordable price,” says Gavin Hale, VP of business development at PERC. “Propane technology adoptions are continuing to grow at ports, terminals, and warehouses throughout the country to eliminate diesel emissions and make significant strides toward greenhouse gas reduction.”
From PERC:
- In recent testing at PNCT, researchers collected emissions data from a MAFI-manufactured propane terminal tractor and Tier 4 diesel technologies. The results confirm the propane-powered tractor yielded 99% fewer nitrogen oxide (NOx) composite and idle emissions than either diesel tractor.
- Additionally, the propane tractor produced 77.5% fewer THC idle emissions, 14% fewer brake-specific carbon dioxide emissions, and 75% fewer TPM emissions than the diesel tractors.