Why the Supply Chain Industry is Filled with Superheroes

By definition, a superhero possesses special powers to fight evil and protect the universe. It's the rock stars behind the scenes of a supply chain that continue to prove strength and resilience.

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From time to time, I like to glance back at previous columns to see what I was writing about and what was “hot” at that time. It reminds me of everything the supply chain industry has endured and overcome.

From supply chain disruptions and natural disasters to ransomware attacks, food fraud and more, there’s always something plaguing the industry. Everything is the same, yet very different.

In my very first column with Food Logistics, I wrote about how the supply chain industry is filled with superheroes.

By definition, a superhero possesses special powers to fight evil and protect the universe.

I find this ironic considering, here we are, 18 months into the pandemic, and these superheroes are still the ones with special powers protecting the universe. They’re still developing, innovating, mentoring and pushing product through the cold food chain. They’re still seeking ways to operate safer, sustainably and more efficiently.

These superheroes are true rock stars!

That’s why it’s so important we, as an industry, recognize, award and celebrate these rock stars’ achievements.

It's the rock stars behind the scenes that continue to prove resilience and strength.

Get those rock star superheroes nominated for our Rock Stars of the Supply Chain award (submissions close Nov. 21).

The last time Food Logistics published its Rock Stars of the Supply Chain award was right when the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic started. So much has changed since then. I’ve seen some of my favorite industry people get promoted, leave okay jobs to get better jobs, create technology that saves the day and more.

Help us honor and celebrate those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect its people, improve product and keep goods moving through the supply chain, no matter what.

ALL NOMINATIONS must be submitted electronically. CLICK HERE to access the nomination form. Once the award closes, we'll be introducing some new, so keep your eyes peeled!

CLICK HERE to view the criteria of this award.

And, CLICK HERE to preview the questionnaire. 

