Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas launched the new SCX N2 Series of Electric Stand-up Counterbalanced Lift Trucks, complete with improved turning radius, reducing minimum aisle requirements and enabling more efficient maneuverability within crowded warehouse spaces.
“The introduction of the SCX N2 Series represents a significant advancement in our commitment to delivering state-of-the-art material handling solutions to our dealers and customers,” says Niels Tolboom, director of North America dealer sales for UniCarriers Forklift at Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas. “This series of Electric Stand-Up Counterbalanced Lift Trucks is a game-changer, offering unmatched efficiency and flexibility in warehouse operations.”
Key takeaways:
- With simultaneous multi-function controls and user-friendly ON-OFF machine functionality, the SCX N2 Series ensures a seamless multitasking experience.
- Other benefits include quick acceleration, all-around visibility, adjustable anti-fatigue floorboard, 1,000-hour maintenance intervals and more.
- Plus, it runs for 16 hours on a single charge.
- Additional features include telematics, lithium-ion technology, freezer options, in-cab accessories, integrated diagnostic system and more.