TransLoop debuted TransLoop Sprint, a comprehensive platform that showcases both the industry’s leading technology and the user experience behind it, creating an intuitive process that’s easily adopted by all users.
“Simple, seamless and profitable for everyone involved is the goal,” says Nick Reasoner, founder and CEO of TransLoop. “We know our carriers are extremely busy, and we knew that utilizing a tool like Sprint could help our partners stay even more dedicated to our loyal shippers. Having this resource at their fingertips has significantly helped them organize and reduce the manual process of using multiple different brokers and labor-intensive load boards.”
From PR Newswire:
- The private portal’s information is sourced across a multitude of data silos, matching the ideal carrier for each shipment. Once identified, the shipment is presented to the preferred carrier to book instantly. This process creates on-demand carrier reuse, allowing partners to learn how TransLoop shippers’ facilities and teams operate.
- With Sprint, TransLoop carrier partners can book repeat lanes nationwide, be notified of available shipments within network, gain access to current market pricing and book more shipments.