Fruit Exporter Cuts Container Haulage Costs By 30% With New Lifting System

By installing BISON C-Lift A32F container lifting systems on site in two dedicated loading areas, T&G now have complete independence when it comes to grounding their 40' reefers for loading.

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T&G Pipfruit exports 40-foot reefer containers of apples and pears from its New Zealand cool store to Asia, Europe and the United States. They need to process nearly a thousand containers during the growing season. Each reefer weighs 26-32 tonne (57,000-70,000 lbs.) and with no docks at the coolstore, the reefers must be positioned on the ground for loading. During peak season, the coolstore packs and dispatches 10-20 containers per day.

Previously, T&G relied on skeletal trailers and side loaders to service its coolstore. The company would shuttle the empty and full containers between the port and the coolstore, with side loaders meeting the skeletals at the coolstore to lift the containers on and off the ground.

There was significant downtown as they waited for side loaders to arrive, making it more expensive due to the premium rates charged for side loaders. Another issue was that only a few transport companies in the city had enough side loaders in their fleet to deliver the service T&G needed, limiting choice of service provider. 

By installing BISON C-Lift A32F container lifting systems on site in two dedicated loading areas, T&G now have complete independence when it comes to grounding their 40' reefers for loading. The company only require skeletal trailers from local transport companies. The skelies shuttle containers between the port and coolstore, delivering an empty to one loading area, and then collecting a full container from the other loading area for the return trip to port. Reefers can be loaded in 15 minutes and lifted back up for collection, ensuring fast and efficient turn around times during high season. 

T&G is no longer dependent on one service provider and now has the freedom to work with more local haulage companies. This, together with eliminating its reliance on side loaders, has lowered costs and given more independence and control over T&G's container logistics. 

By using just skillie trailers to service its coolstore, T&G has cut container haulage costs by 30%, eliminating costly downtime waiting for swing lifts to arrive. It has also gained move freedom and options around cotnainer haulage services, securing more independence and control over its container logistics. 
