Delivery Drivers, Inc. (DDI)announced the results of a new national delivery driver survey today.
Key findings include:
- More than half of respondents identified as Female (52%), compared to DDI’s 2014 survey where 30% were Female. More women left the labor force in September than the total number of jobs the country added in the same month.
- 50.2% identified as Married Women who started driving within the last 12 months compared to 48.7% of Married Men who started driving within the same time period.
- 38% of Married women have been delivery driving for 1+ years versus 61% of Married men who have been driving for that same time period.
“Driving opportunities have quickly become a movement,” said Aaron Hageman, owner and CEO of Delivery Drivers, Inc. “The findings clearly show that COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the critical need that these essential workers play in our lives. Furthermore, the data demonstrates that more women have stepped up to the plate in the last six months in order to ensure we are getting our goods delivered to us safely and efficiently.”
COVID-19 Heroes: Essential Workers Wanting to Help Serve Their Communities
- 63% of respondents became drivers in the last 1-6 months, further solidifying the critical role delivery driving and these essential workers continue to play during COVID-19. The top mentioned reasons why they became drivers include: Serve the Community, Flexible Schedule, Extra Cash and Need a Job. A recent LinkedIn trends survey found the second fastest-growing job is Delivery Specialist.
“I love being a delivery driver because I get to help our seniors out,” said one participant who was part of the 63% cohort who became a driver within the last six months. “Elderly people are at higher risk of getting sick and we keep them safer by bringing groceries and their needs to their door.”
More Married Delivery Drivers on the Road in 2020 than in 2014
- 46% of total respondents identified as Married compared to 35% who identified as Single - a far contrast to DDI’s 2014 survey when 26% of drivers identified as Married compared to 64% who were Single.
Survey Methodology:
- From September 29 – October 8, 2020, Young Company conducted the nationwide survey through Survey Monkey on behalf of Delivery Drivers, Inc. (DDI). The survey was conducted by email to over 1,510 delivery drivers ages 18 through 71+.
- The survey data’s margin of error is +/- 3% for 1,510 adults.