World Resources Institute: Climate Change Causes Massive Food Loss

Climate change has an impact on food, and one area needing more attention after the Paris agreement his weekend is reducing food loss and waste, according to the World Resources Institute.

World Resources Institute
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Climate change has an impact on food, and one area needing more attention after the Paris agreement his weekend is reducing food loss and waste, according to the World Resources Institute, a global research organization that spans more than 50 countries, with offices in the U.S., China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and others. 

According to figures recently released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), food loss and waste accounts for about 4.4 gigatons of greenhouse gas emissions (4.4 Gt CO2e) per year. To put this in perspective, if food loss and waste were its own country, it would be the world’s third-largest emitter—surpassed only by China and the U.S. In fact, food loss and waste generates more than four times as much annual greenhouse gas emissions as aviation, and is comparable to emissions from road transport.

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