Featured In Food Logistics: Efficient Fleets – Do You Need Telematics?

Telematics executives provide insight into what challenges in the telematics market will be, what they are currently experiencing in the field as the electronic logging device mandate draws near, and how real-time information has become crucial to f&b.

Food Logistics
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Telematics experts note that the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate and evolving telematics technology are driving real-time connectivity for food and beverage fleets, according to an article in the recent Food Logistics Magazine. Given that most food and beverage fleets are still not using telematics, supply chain decision makers need to get up to speed on what the technology can offer them.

Food Logistics asked telematics executive to provide insight into what challenges in the market will be, what they are currently experiencing in the field as the electronic logging device mandate draws near, and how real-time information has become crucial in the global food supply chain.

