Infinity Transportation Logistics (ITL) recently launched its new expedited refrigerated domestic intermodal container service between Washington/Oregon and the Midwest/East Coast.
The new ITL service utilizes state-of-the-art, domestic 53-foot refrigerated containers to move frozen foods (frozen French fries, frozen fish, frozen vegetables, frozen juice concentrate, etc.), fresh produce (apples, potatoes, pears, onions, carrots, etc.) and other refrigerated products eastbound from Washington State and Oregon to the Midwest and the East Coast.
Additionally, ITL's return westbound service brings frozen/refrigerated products (frozen pizzas, frozen yogurt, frozen seafood, frozen juice concentrate, etc.) and dry goods back from the Midwest and East Coast to Washington and Oregon.
ITL provides expedited door-to-door domestic intermodal service from/to Washington State and Oregon to/from the following destinations or locations: Illinois (Greater Chicago & surrounding areas); New York (Buffalo area, New York City & its boroughs); Pennsylvania (Chambersburg and Philadelphia areas); Maryland (Baltimore area); Massachusetts (Boston and Springfield areas); Georgia (greater Atlanta area); and Florida (Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa Bay areas).
For return westbound service from locations such as the greater Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore and Boston areas, Infinity Transportation Logistics ITL has an ample supply of containers available to move various refrigerated, temperature controlled, or dry products back to Washington State and Oregon.
ITL's expedited door-to-door intermodal temperature controlled service departs from/returns to intermodal ramps in Seattle, Wash., Spokane, Wash. and Portland, Ore. six days per week. Transit time is about six days to and from the Midwest and eight to nine days to and from various destinations on the East Coast.
ITL has a service radius of about 160 miles from/to intermodal ramps in Seattle, Spokane and Portland, and can pick up/drop off product in many parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho including: greater Portland, Ore. area, Willamette Valley, Ore., Hood River, Ore., Bend, Ore., Columbia Basin of Washington and Oregon, Yakima Valley, Wash., Skagit Valley, Wash., Puget Sound, Wash. area, greater Spokane, Wash. area and northern Idaho.
ITL currently has 200 refrigerated 53-foot domestic intermodal containers in its fleet, and its service is the only regularly scheduled refrigerated domestic intermodal service from Washington State to the Midwest and East Coast.
From a sustainability standpoint, shipping on an ITL intermodal container also saves fuel and reduces carbon emissions. For example, according to various railroad industry carbon footprint calculators, moving cargo on an ITL refrigerated domestic container between Washington State/Oregon and Chicago decreases carbon emissions by over 50 percent versus shipping the same cargo on a long-haul truck.
For more information, contact Paul Goss of Infinity at 541-701-9013.