TopVOX Corporation

Barrington, IL 60013

Company Details
600 Hart Road
suite 260
Barrington, IL 60013
Phone:847 842 0900
Fax:1 847 842 0910

top-VOX is the manufacturer of an innovative voice system that integrates seamlessly with standard technology and makes use of a reliable speaker independent recognition system.   The VOXter offers a robust speech system that supports all process in the distribution area, is continuously on-line and the only solution on the market that uses natural voice output.  Depending on requirements, the wireless scanner VOXter-S can be connected using blue-tooth technology.  Proven interfacing with SAP and numerous ERP systems have made top-VOX today’s leader in speech technology.

Proven flexibility and reliability have made TopVOX a market leader in voice technology.  Rapid payback, absolutely NO training, easy integration and excellent recognition are key reasons why our customers have selected topVOX as THE Voice in their warehouses.   For more information, contact us at!

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