Women in Manufacturing (WiM)Company DetailsContacthttps://www.womeninmanufacturing.org/Articles & NewsHomeWomen Are More Likely to Find Career Satisfaction in ManufacturingAn overwhelming majority (79%) of women say they are satisfied with the progress they’ve made in the manufacturing industry over the last five years, up significantly from 62% in 2020.Supply Chain EducationWomen with STEM Degrees Twice as Likely to Pursue Career in Manufacturing Than MenAgriculture (28%), electronics (27%) and environmental (27%) are the Top 3 sectors leading the charge by having the highest percentage of female leadership in manufacturing.Products & Press ReleasesHomeStudy: Only 1 in 4 Manufacturing Leaders Are WomenWhile the medical and healthcare sector has the highest level of female employee presence at 54%, the aerospace and defense sector have the lowest female employee representation at just 24%.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about Women in Manufacturing (WiM)