RoambeeCompany DetailsContact & NewsPackaging5G GPS Smart Label for Unrestricted Shipment VisibilityRoambee introduced what is said to be the world's first true 5G GPS “peel-and-ship” smart label with a revolutionary “barcode-like” user experience, leveraging advanced 5G, GPS, and NIST calibrated sensors for temperature, humidity, shock, and light.Risk/ComplianceCombating Cargo Theft with Advanced AI TechnologyThrough real-world success stories and the integration of AI technology, the food logistics sector can revolutionize supply chain management, reduce cargo theft, and ensure the safe and efficient delivery of food products.HomeEmbracing AI for Enhanced Supply Chain Resilience and AgilityThe evolving collaboration between humans and AI embodies harmonious synergy, enhancing productivity and ingenuity. Meanwhile, AI's ethical focus and societal impact amplify the field's virtuous potential.Supply Chain VisibilityIntelligence Built on Supply Chain Visibility is Transforming Food LogisticsIt is essential that businesses empower their teams to improve supply chain visibility with data intelligence to help identify flaws, optimize processes and gain competitive advantage.Cold ChainShifting from Passive to Active Cold Chain Visibility Technologies to Win Amid UncertaintyThe “New Normal” of online deliveries for food means that cold storage and transportation to provide fresh groceries are in ever-increasing demand.HomeRoambee Targets Pharma Cold Chain IndustryRoambee makes a new acquisition, hoping to corner the pharma cold chain market.Products & Press ReleasesHomeReal-Time Logistics Monitoring from Roambee Proven to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution ChallengesRoambee’s technology solution for real-time logistics visibility has been proven to overcome many of the challenges of global COVID-19 vaccine distribution.HomeRoambee Raises $15.2 Million to Help Shippers Monitor and Automate Their Supply ChainRoambee has experienced 100% year-over-year growth and this new round of funding will be used to expand its operations and accelerate sales globally.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about Roambee